EP - CL -DL direct injection nozzles - thermal tip with sharp end

EP - CL -DL direct injection nozzles - thermal tip with sharp end

Nozzles for direct moulding onto the part leaving minimum injection vestige, suitable for plastics leaving stringings/droolings while mould opens.

EP Model: suggested for multi-cavity applications. They can be used in single cavity applications, only for materials with melting temperature less than 250°C.
EP-TR Model: single and multi cavity applications. Having a heated head, they are suitable for molding materials with melting temperature higher than 250°C.
NOTE: EP and EP-TR model nozzles, injection westige T2BP, are only suitable for injection on sprues.

CL Model: only for multi cavity applications, T2 vestige. They have very small dimensions and extended tip, so they are ideal to be inserted in very narrow spaces (even within the molding part).

Tipo DL: only T2 vestige, available in different series.